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I don’t know where time keeps going. ย I swear that as each week passes I find myself busier and busier but I am not sure what I am really doing. ย I guess that phase of having young children at home, making messes and chasing them around the house has now turned into the era of hauling kids places. ย Whether it’s karateย or play dates, an open house or girl scouts we seem to have filled our evenings. And the days. ย Between drop offs and pick ups and more drop offs and pickups it seems like my car is now my office. ย And my kitchen. ย And apparently the kid’s closet and playroom. ย The funny thing about life is that it is always changing. ย There are always new things to adapt to and more balance to find.
It seems as though my blog gets neglected. ย I wish I could post more often. ย But, while I may not be typing our story we sure are writing it.
Here is a taste of our September!